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> KeePass
    user posted image

    KeePass - удобный менеджер паролей. Хранит пароли или другие секретные данные в хорошо защищенной базе данных, позволяя при этом рассортировать их по группам.
    С помощью KeePass можно при необходимости распечатать базу данных, экспортировать ее в другие форматы (TXT, HTML, XML, CSV, ...), импортировать в другие форматы (TXT-файлы Password Safe v2, файлы CSV, ...), открыть и быстро вставить логин/пароль на веб-странице, производить поиск по базе, создавать стойкие ко взлому пароли и выполнять многие другие операции. Поддерживается расширение возможностей плагинами.

    Поддерживаемые ОС: Windows, PocketPC, J2ME, iPhone, PalmOS, Linux, Android

    Ветка: Шифрование

    user posted image Последняя версия: 2.20, 1.24
    user posted image URL: Скачать
    user posted image История версий
    Сообщение отредактировано: --= Eagle =-- -
      Я прогу использую также несколько лет. Принцип ее использования у меня такой, может кому пригодится:
      Синсталлированную прогу (у меня еще версия 1.14) скопировал на флешку в определенный каталог, установил плагин "DB Backup", который настроил на хранение нескольких версий базы паролей с копированием последнего бэкапа в определенный каталог диска C:.
      На тех 3-4 своих самых частоиспользуемых в инете машинах создал соответствующее настройке плагина дерево каталогов и скопировал в них также саму прогу, создал там батник запуска проги с именем последней бекапной базы в режиме рид-онли.
      Все это применяю так:
      1) изменения/дополнения в базу паролей вношу только в базу флешки, при ее сохранении выполняется бэкапирование с созданием на винте этой машины копии;
      2) при оказии при возможности работы с этой флешкой на других своих машинах - запускаю с флешки прогу и запускаю бэкапирование, т.е. последняя версия базы постепенно расползается по моим машинам;
      3) при необходимости использования старых паролей на своих машинах и отсутствии флешки - запускаю с винта батник просмотра последнего бэкапа, при желании проги сохраниться, например, когда она хочет занести дату использования пароля - то в данном случае ей отказываю.

      В один прекрасный момент старая флешка померла - сделал ревизию своих машин на предмет нахождения наисвежайшего бэкапа и восстановил прогу на новой флешке с аналогичным ведением бекапирования.

      Храню не только пароли, но и данные по всем пластиковым картам - позволяет выполнять срочно перечисления без карты под рукой, вспомнить редко юзаемый ПИН. И, кстати, фишка программы "expire period" пароля в случае с карточками - очень даже не лишняя.

      Храню даже некоторые моб.номера - на случай, если чего, тьху-3раза), случится с мобилой.
        Новая версия: 2.14

        Changes from 2.10 to 2.11:

        New Features:

        Added entry tags (you can assign tags to entries in the entry editing window or by using the 'Selected Entries' context menu; to list all entries having a specific tag, choose the tag either in the 'Edit' main menu or in the 'Show Entries' toolbar drop-down button).
        Completely new entry list column engine; the columns are dynamic now, custom entry strings can be shown in the list, to configure go 'View' -> 'Configure Columns...'; the column engine is also extensible now, i.e. plugins can provide new columns.
        Added 'Size' entry list column (shows the approximate memory required for the entry).
        Added 'History (Count)' entry list column (double-clicking a cell of this column opens the entry editing window and automatically switches to the 'History' tab).
        Added 'Expiry Time (Date Only)' entry list column.
        Added options to specify the number of days until the master key of a database is recommended to and/or must be changed.
        Added support for exporting selected entries to KDB.
        Added 'FileSaveAsDirectory' configuration key to specify the default directory for 'Save As' database file dialogs.
        Double-clicking a history entry in the entry editing dialog now opens/views the entry.
        It's now possible to tab from menus and toolbars to dialog controls.
        Added option to turn off hiding in-memory protected custom strings using asterisks in the entry view.
        Added workaround for FTP servers sending a 550 error after opening and closing a file without downloading data.
        Added 'Unhide Passwords' application policy flag.
        Password Depot importer: some icons are converted now.
        {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
        The main window now uses the shell font by default.
        On Windows Vista and higher, Explorer-themed tree and list views are now used in the main window.
        On Windows 7 and higher, the main window peek preview is now disabled when the KeePass workspace is locked.
        Installer: added option to optimize the on-demand start-up performance of KeePass.
        TrlUtil: added 3 dots string validation.

        Improvements / Changes:

        Improved entry list item selection performance (defer UI state update on selection change burst).
        Improved special key code conversion in KDB importer.
        Icon picker dialog now has a 'Close' button.
        When sorting is enabled, the entry list view now doesn't get destroyed anymore when trying to move entries.
        Main window is now brought to the foreground when untraying.
        Removed grid lines option.
        Reduced size of MSI file.
        Various performance improvements.
        Various code optimizations.
        Minor other improvements.


        No file path is requested anymore when double-clicking an import source that doesn't require a file.

        Changes from 2.11 to 2.12:

        New Features:

        Auto-type window definitions in custom window-sequence pairs are now Spr-compiled (i.e. placeholders, environment variables, etc. can be used).
        Global auto-type delay: added support for multi-modified keys and special keys.
        Added 'New Database' application policy flag.
        Added 'Copy Whole Entries' application policy flag.
        Multi-monitor support: at startup, KeePass now ensures that the main window's normal area at least partially overlaps the virtual screen rectangle of at least one monitor.
        RoboForm importer: URLs without protocol prefix are now prefixed automatically (HTTP).
        Entry-dependent placeholders can now be used in most trigger events, conditions and actions (the currently focused entry is used).
        Auto-type on Unix-like systems: KeePass now shows an informative error message when trying to invoke auto-type without having installed the 'xdotool' package.

        Improvements / Changes:

        New column engine: drag&dropping hidden fields works as expected again (the field data is transferred, not asterisks).
        Improved restoration of a maximized main window.
        Improved error message when trying to import/export data from/to a KDB file on a non-Windows operating system.
        Minor other improvements.

        Changes from 2.12 to 2.13:

        New Features:

        Password quality estimation algorithm: added check for about 1500 most common passwords (these are rated down to 1/8th of their statistical rating; Bloom filter-based implementation).
        Global auto-type (using a system-wide hot key) is now possible on Unix-like systems (see the documentation for setup instructions, section 'Installation / Portability' in the 'KeePass 2.x' group; thanks to Jordan Sissel for enhancing 'xdotool').
        Added IPC functionality for Unix-like systems.
        Added possibility to write export plugins that don't require an output file.
        Tag lists are sorted alphabetically now.
        Password text boxes now use a monospace font by default.
        Added option to select a different font for password text boxes (menu 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Interface').
        Added support for importing Password Prompter 1.2 DAT files.
        Added ability to export to Windows/IE favorites.
        Added ability to specify IO credentials in the 'Synchronize' trigger action.
        Added ability to specify IO credentials and a master key in the 'Open database file' trigger action.
        If IO credentials are stored, they are now obfuscated.
        Custom colors in the Windows color selection dialog are now remembered.
        Added high resolution version of the KeePass application icon.
        Improved lock overlay icon (higher resolution).
        PLGX loader: added support for unversioned KeePass assembly references.

        Improvements / Changes:

        Added workaround to avoid alpha transparency corruption when adding images to an image list.
        Improved image list generation performance.
        Added workaround to display the lock overlay icon when having enabled the option to start minimized and locked.
        Improved group and entries deletion confirmation dialogs (with preview; only Windows Vista and higher).
        The password character picking dialog now offers the raw password characters instead of an auto-type encoded sequence.
        PINs importer: improved importing of expiry dates.
        Some button icons are now resized to 16x15 when the 16x16 icon is too large.
        Renamed character repetition option in the password generator for improved clarity.
        Improved workspace locking.
        Locking timer is now thread-safe.
        Added code to prevent loading libraries from the current working directory (to avoid binary planting attacks).
        Removed Tomboy references (on Unix-like systems).
        Various code optimizations.
        Minor other improvements.


        {NEWPASSWORD} placeholder: special characters in generated passwords are now transformed correctly based on context (auto-type, command line, etc.).

        Changes from 2.13 to 2.14:

        New Features:

        Added option to lock after some time of global user inactivity.
        Added option to lock when the remote control status changes.
        Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added special key code support (translation to X KeySyms) and support for {DELAY X} and {DELAY=X}.
        Added window activation support on Unix-like systems.
        Auto-type on Windows: added {VKEY X} special key code (sends virtual key X).
        Added support for importing DataVault 4.7 CSV files.
        Added support for importing Revelation 0.4 XML files.
        Added 'Auto-Type - Without Context' application policy to disable the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V), but still leave global auto-type available.
        Added option to collapse newly-created recycle bin tree nodes.
        Added 'Size' column in the history list of the entry dialog.
        Added trigger action to remove custom toolbar buttons.
        Added kdbx:// URL scheme overrides (for Windows and Unix-like systems; disabled by default).
        Added KeePass.exe.config file to redirect old assemblies to the latest one, and explicitly declare .NET 4.0 runtime support.
        Added documentation for the '-pw-enc' command line parameter, the {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder and URL overrides.
        Added workaround for ^/& .NET SendKeys issue.

        Improvements / Changes:

        New locking timer (using a timeout instead of a countdown).
        Improved locking when the Windows session is being ended or switched.
        Improved multi-database locking.
        Separated the options for locking when the computer is locked and the computer is about to be suspended.
        {FIREFOX} placeholder: added support for registry-redirected 32-bit Firefox installations on 64-bit Windows systems.
        File transactions: the NTFS/EFS encryption flag is now also preserved when the containing directory isn't encrypted.
        The IPC channel name on Unix-like systems is now dependent on the current user and machine name.
        KeePass now selects the parent group after deleting a group.
        Entries are now marked as modified when mass-changing their colors or icons.
        Key states are now queried on interrupt level.
        A {DELAY=X} global delay now affects all characters of a keystroke sequence when TCATO is enabled, too.
        Improved dialog closing when exiting automatically.
        Plugin-provided entry list columns can now be right-aligned at KeePass startup already.
        Removed KDBX DOM code.
        Installer: the KeePass start menu shortcut is now created directly in the programs folder; the other shortcuts have been removed (use the Control Panel for uninstalling and the 'Help' menu in KeePass to access the help).
        Various code optimizations.
        Minor other improvements.


        Quotes in parameters for the 'Execute command line / URL' trigger action are now escaped correctly.
        Auto-type on Unix-like systems: window filters without wildcards now match correctly.

        Новая версия: 1.18

        Changes from 1.17 to 1.18:

        New Features:

        Password quality estimation algorithm: added check for about 1500 most common passwords (these are rated down to 1/8th of their statistical rating; Bloom filter-based implementation).
        {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
        KeePass now enables data execution prevention (DEP).
        Improved lock overlay icon (higher resolution).


        Improved character classification in password quality estimation algorithm.
        Improved group and entries deletion confirmation dialogs (only Windows Vista and higher).
        Items in the update checking, plugin and icon picker dialogs aren't underlined anymore when hovering over them.
        The default expiry interval for new entries is now limited to a maximum of 8 years.
        Renamed character repetition option in the password generator for improved clarity.
        Added code to prevent loading libraries from the current working directory (to avoid binary planting attacks).
        Installer: various minor improvements.
        Various code optimizations.
        Minor other improvements.
          Последняя версия KeePass: 2.20

          Changes from 2.19 to 2.20:

          New Features:

          Header data in KDBX files is now authenticated (to prevent silent data corruption attacks; thanks to P. Gasti and K. B. Rasmussen).
          Added management of working directories (a separate working directory is remembered for each file dialog context; working directories are remembered relatively to KeePass.exe; the management can be deactivated by turning off the new option 'Remember working directories').
          Added option to cancel auto-type when the target window title changes.
          Added quick search box in the toolbar of the internal text editor.
          Files can now be attached to entries by using drag&drop from Windows Explorer to the attachments list in the entry editing dialog.
          Added '-pw-stdin' command line option to make KeePass read the master password from the StdIn stream.
          Added placeholders to get parts of the entry URL: {URL:SCM}, {URL:HOST}, {URL:PORT}, {URL:PATH} and {URL:QUERY}.
          Added a 'Details' button in the plugin load failure message box (when clicked, detailed error information for developers is shown).
          Added warning icon left of the Windows user account option description in the master key creation dialog.
          Added support for more image file formats (e.g. when importing custom client icons).
          Added support for importing DesktopKnox 3.2 XML files.
          The generic CSV importer now guesses whether the option to ignore the first row should be enabled or not (the user of course can still specify it manually, too).
          Added support for exporting to KeePass 1.x CSV files.
          Added support for moving the PLGX cache to a different remote drive.
          The Spr engine is now extensible, i.e. plugins can provide additional transformations/placeholders.
          On Unix-like systems, KeePass now uses the 'xsel' utility for clipboard operations, if 'xsel' is installed (in order to work around Mono clipboard bugs).
          Added Mono workaround to set the WM_CLASS property.
          Added workaround for Mono splitter bug.
          The 'PrepMonoDev.sh' script now removes the serialization assembly generating post build event.
          TrlUtil: added support for importing PO files.

          Improvements / Changes:

          Improved FTP file existence checking.
          High DPI UI improvements.
          The database is not marked as modified anymore when using in-place label editing to fake-edit a group's name (i.e. when the final new name is the same as the previous one).
          Password is not auto-repeated anymore when trying to unhide it fails due to the policy 'Unhide Passwords' being disabled.
          Improved menu accelerator and shortcut keys.
          Changed IO connection name display format.
          Improved browser detection on Mac OS X.
          Task dialog thread safety improvements.
          Added UI check during import for KPScript.
          Upgraded and improved installer (now uses Unicode, LZMA2 compression, ...).
          Various UI improvements.
          Various code optimizations.
          Minor other improvements.


          On Windows systems, new line sequences in text to be shown in a standard multiline text box are now converted to Windows format.

          Скрытый текст
          Changes from 2.18 to 2.19:

          New Features:

          New generic CSV importer (now supports multi-line fields, '\' as escape character, field & record separators and the text qualifier can be specified, white space characters can be removed from the beginning/end of fields, the fields and their order can be defined, supported fields now are group name & standard fields like e.g. title & custom strings & times & ignore column, the first row can be ignored, KeePass initially tries to guess the fields and their order based on the first row).
          Native master key transformations are now computed in two threads on 64-bit systems, too; on dual/multi core processors this results in almost twice the performance as before (by doubling the amount of rounds you'll get the same waiting time as in 2.18, but the protection against dictionary and guessing attacks is doubled).
          New XML configuration and translation deserializer to improve the startup performance.
          Added option to require a password repetition only when hiding using asterisks is enabled (enabled by default).
          Entry attachments can now be renamed using in-place label editing (click on an already selected item to show an edit box).
          Empty entry attachments can now be created using 'Attach' -> 'Create Empty Attachment'.
          Sizes of entry attachments are now shown in a column of the attachments list in the entry editing dialog.
          Added {ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86} placeholder (this is %ProgramFiles(x86)%, if it exists, otherwise %ProgramFiles%).
          Added auto-type option 'An entry matches if one of its tags is contained in the target window title'.
          URLs in HTML exports are now linkified.
          Import modules may now specify multiple default/equivalent file extensions (like e.g. 'htm' and 'html').
          Added support for reading texts encoded using UTF-32 Big Endian.
          Enhanced text encoding detection (now detects UTF-32 LE/BE and UTF-16 LE/BE by zeros, improved UTF-8 detection, ...).
          Added zoom function for images in internal data viewer.
          Drop-down image buttons in the entry editing dialog are now marked using small black triangle overlays.
          Added support for loading key files from URLs.
          Controls in the options dialog are now disabled when the options are enforced (using an enforced configuration file).
          If KeePass is started with the '-debug' command line option, KeePass now shows a developer-friendly error message when opening a database file fails.
          Added 'Wait for exit' property in the 'Execute command line / URL' trigger action.
          The 'File exists' trigger condition now also supports URLs.
          Added two file closing trigger events (one raised before and one after saving the database file).
          Plugins: added file closing events.
          Plugins: added events (AutoType.Sequence*) that allow plugins to provide auto-type sequence suggestions.
          Added workaround to support loading data from version information files even when they have incorrectly been decompressed by a web filter.
          Added workarounds for '°', '|' and '£' .NET SendKeys issues.
          Added workaround for topmost window .NET/Windows issue (the 'Always on Top' option now works even when switching to a different window while KeePass is starting up).
          Added workaround for Mono dialog event ordering bug.
          Added workaround for Mono clipboard bugs on Mac OS X.
          KPScript: added 'MoveEntry', 'GetEntryString' and 'GenPw' commands.
          KPScript: added '-refx-UUID' and '-refx-Tags' entry identification parameters.

          Improvements / Changes:

          When only deleting history entries (without changing any data field of an entry), no backup entry is created anymore.
          Unified text encoding handling for internal data viewer and editor, generic CSV importer and text encoding selection dialog.
          Improved font sizing in HTML exports/printouts.
          Improved encoding of group names in HTML exports/printouts.
          If an entry doesn't expire, 'Never expires' is now shown in the 'Expiry Time' column in HTML exports/printouts.
          The expiry edit control now accepts incomplete edits and the 'Expires' checkbox is checked immediately.
          The time component of the default expiry suggestion is now 00:00:00.
          The last selected/focused item in the attachments list of the entry editing dialog is now selected/focused after editing an attachment.
          Improved field to standard field mapping function.
          Enhanced RoboForm importer to concatenate values of fields with conflicting names.
          Updated Spamex.com importer.
          Removed KeePass 1.x CSV importer; users should use the new generic CSV importer (which can import more data than the old specialized 1.x CSV importer).
          When trying to open another database while a dialog is displayed, KeePass now just brings itself to the foreground without attempting to open the second database.
          More list views use the Vista Explorer style.
          Modifier keys without another key aren't registered as global hot key anymore.
          Improved default suggestions for custom sequences in the auto-type sequence editing dialog.
          Improved default focus in the auto-type sequence editing dialog.
          Added {C:Comment} placeholder in the auto-type sequence editing dialog.
          On Unix-like systems, the {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder now first searches for Google Chrome and then (if not found) for Chromium.
          Versions displayed in the update checking dialog now consist of at least two components.
          Added '@' and '`' to the printable 7-bit ASCII character set.
          Merged simple and extended special character spaces to one special character space.
          Reduced control character space from 60 to 32.
          The first sample entry's URL now points to the KeePass website.
          Improved key transformation delay calculation.
          Improved key file loading performance.
          The main menu now isn't a tab stop anymore.
          Some configuration nodes are now allocated only on demand.
          Improved UI update when moving/copying entries to the currently active group or a subgroup of it using drag&drop.
          Improved behavior when closing an inactive database having unsaved changes.
          Changed versioning scheme in file version information blocks from digit- to component-based.
          Development snapshots don't ask anymore whether to enable the automatic update check (only stable releases do).
          Improved PLGX cache directory naming.
          The PLGX cache directory by default is now located in the local application data folder instead of the roaming one.
          Improved support for PLGX plugins that are using LINQ.
          Various UI improvements.
          Various code optimizations.
          Minor other improvements.


          Fixed sorting of items in the most recently used files list.
          Fixed tab order in the 'Advanced' tab of the entry editing dialog.

          Changes from 2.17 to 2.18:

          New Features:

          The update check now also checks for plugin updates (if plugin developers provide version information files).
          When starting KeePass 2.18 for the first time, it asks whether to enable the automatic update check or not (if not enabled already).
          When closing the entry editing dialog by closing the window (using [X], Esc, ...) and there are unsaved changes, KeePass now asks whether to save or discard the changes; only when explicitly clicking the 'Cancel' button, KeePass doesn't prompt.
          When not hiding passwords using asterisks, they don't need to be repeated anymore.
          Password repetition boxes now provide instant visual feedback whether the password has been repeated correctly (if incorrect, the background color is changed to light red).
          When clicking an '***' button to change the visibility of the entered password, KeePass now automatically transfers the input focus into the password box.
          Visibility of columns in the auto-type entry selection dialog can now be customized using the new 'Options' button.
          Added auto-type option 'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title'.
          Added shortcut keys: Ctrl+Shift+O for 'Open URL', Ctrl+Shift+U for copying URLs to the clipboard, Ctrl+I for 'Add Entry', Ctrl+R for synchronizing with a file, Ctrl+Shift+R for synchronizing with a URL.
          Ensuring same keyboard layouts during auto-type is now optional (option enabled by default).
          Plain text KDB4 XML exports now store the memory protection flag of strings in an attribute 'ProtectInMemory'.
          Added option to use database lock files (intended for storage providers that don't lock files while writing to them, like e.g. some FTP servers); the option is turned off by default (and especially for local files and files on a network share it's recommended to leave it turned off).
          Added UIFlags bit for disabling the controls to specify after how many days the master key should/must be changed.
          Added support for in-memory protecting strings that are longer than 65536 characters.
          Added workaround for '@' .NET SendKeys issue.

          Improvements / Changes:

          .NET 4.0 is now preferred, if installed.
          PLGX plugins are now preferably compiled using the .NET 4.0 compiler, if KeePass is currently running under the 4.0 CLR.
          Automatic update checks are now performed at maximum once per day (you can still check manually as often as you wish).
          Auto-Type: entry titles and URLs are now Spr-compiled before being compared with the target window title.
          Decoupled the options 'Show expired entries' and 'Show entries that will expire soon'.
          Specifying the data hiding setting (using asterisks) in the column configuration dialog is now done using a checkbox.
          The entry view now preferably uses the hiding settings (asterisks) of the entry list columns.
          Improved entry expiry date calculation.
          Enhanced Password Agent importer to support version 2.6.2.
          Enhanced SplashID importer to import last modification dates.
          Improved locating of system executables.
          Password generator profiles are now sorted by name.
          Separated built-in and user-defined password generator profiles (built-in profiles aren't stored in the configuration file anymore).
          Improved naming of shortcut keys, and shortcut keys are now displayed in tooltips.
          Internal window manager can now close windows opened in other threads.
          Improved entry touching when closing the entry editing dialog by closing the window (using [X], Esc, ...).
          Improved behavior when entering an invalid URL in the 'Open URL' dialog.
          Improved workaround for Mono tab bar height bug.
          ShInstUtil: improved Native Image Generator version detection.
          Unified in-memory protection.
          In-memory protection performance improvements.
          Developers: in-memory protected objects are now immutable and thread-safe.
          Various UI text improvements.
          Various code optimizations.
          Minor other improvements.


          The cached/temporary custom icons image list is now updated correctly after running the 'Delete unused custom icons' command.

          Changes from 2.16 to 2.17:

          New Features:

          Multiple auto-type sequences can now be defined for a window in one entry.
          The auto-type entry selection dialog now displays the sequence that will be typed.
          The auto-type entry selection dialog is now resizable; KeePass remembers the dialog's position, size and the list view column widths.
          Added auto-type option 'An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title'.
          Added two options to show dereferenced data in the main entry list (synchronously or asynchronously).
          Dereferenced data fields are now shown in the entry view of the main window and the auto-type entry selection dialog (additionally to the references).
          Field references in the entry view are now clickable; when clicking one, KeePass jumps to the data source entry.
          Added option in the 'Find' dialog to search in dereferenced data fields.
          Added option to search in dereferenced data fields when performing a quick search (toolbar in main window).
          The 'Find' dialog now shows a status dialog while searching for entries.
          The main window now shows a status bar and the UI is disabled while performing a quick search.
          Added context menu commands to open the URL of an entry in a specific browser.
          Added {SAFARI} browser path placeholder.
          Added {C:...} comment placeholder.
          Added entry duplication options dialog (appending "- Copy" to entry titles, and/or replacing user names and passwords by field references to the original entries).
          Added option to focus the quick search box when restoring from taskbar (disabled by default).
          Added tray context menu command to show the options dialog.
          Source fields are now compiled before using them in a {PICKCHARS} dialog.
          Added 'Copy Link' rich text box context menu command.
          Before printing, the data/format dialog now shows a print dialog, in which the printer can be selected.
          Added application policy to ask for the current master key before printing.
          Added support for importing Passphrase Keeper 2.50 HTML files (in addition to the already supported 2.70 format).
          KeePass now removes zone identifiers from itself, ShInstUtil and the CHM help file.
          Listing currently opened windows works under Unix-like systems now, too.
          Alternating item background colors are now also supported in list views with item groups.
          IOConnection now supports reading from data URIs (RFC 2397).
          Group headers are now skipped when navigating in single selection list views using the arrow keys.
          Added detection support for the following web browsers on Unix-like systems: Firefox, Opera, Chromium, Epiphany, Arora, Galeon and Konqueror.
          Added documentation of the synchronization feature.
          Key provider plugins can now declare that they're compatible with the secure desktop mode, and a new property in the query context specifies whether the user currently is on the secure desktop.
          Added workaround for a list view sorting bug under Windows XP.
          Added workaround for a .NET bug where a cached window state gets out of sync with the real window state.
          Added workaround for a Mono WebRequest bug affecting WebDAV support.

          Improvements / Changes:

          Items in the auto-type entry selection dialog can now be selected using a single click.
          When performing global auto-type, the Spr engine now uses the entry container database instead of the current database as data source.
          The generated passwords list in the password generator dialog now uses the password font (monospace by default).
          The last modification time of an entry is now updated when a new password is generated using the {NEWPASSWORD} placeholder.
          The overlay icon for the taskbar button (on Windows 7) is now restored when Windows Explorer crashes and when starting in minimized and locked mode.
          Improved opening of CHM help file.
          The buttons in file save dialogs now have accelerator keys.
          Separated URL scheme overrides into built-in and custom ones.
          Improved tray command state updating.
          The default tray command is now rendered using a bold font.
          The main window is now disabled while searching and removing duplicate entries.
          Improved banner handling/updating in resizable dialogs.
          The 'Ctrl+U' shortcut hint is now moved either to the open or to the copy command, depending on whether the option 'Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them' is enabled or not.
          Improved command availability updating of rich text context menus.
          Quick searches are now invoked asynchronously.
          Improved quick search performance.
          The option to minimize the main window after locking the KeePass workspace is now enabled by default.
          When performing auto-type, newline characters are now converted to Enter keypresses.
          Auto-type on Unix-like systems: improved sending of backslash characters.
          On Unix-like systems, the default delay between auto-typed keystrokes is now 3 ms.
          Spr engine performance improvements.
          Changing the in-memory protection state of a custom entry string is now treated as a database change.
          Some options in the options dialog are now linked (e.g. the option 'Automatically search key files also on removable media' can only be enabled when 'Automatically search key files' is enabled).
          Most items with default values aren't written to the configuration file anymore (resulting in a smaller file and making it possible to change defaults in future versions).
          Path separators in the configuration file are now updated for the current operating system.
          Improved 'xdotool' version detection.
          Improved IO response handling when deleting/renaming files.
          Various UI text improvements.
          Various code optimizations.
          Minor other improvements.


          Status bar text is now correctly updated to 'Ready' after an unsuccessful/cancelled database opening attempt.
          Password generation based on patterns: escaped curly brackets are now parsed correctly.

          Changes from 2.15 to 2.16:

          New Features:

          When searching for a string containing a whitespace character, KeePass now splits the terms and reports all entries containing all of the terms (e.g. when you search for "Forum KeePass" without the quotes, all entries containing both "Forum" and "KeePass" are reported); the order of the terms is arbitrary; if you want to search for a term containing whitespace, enclose the term in quotes.
          When searching for a term starting with a minus ('-'), all entries that do not contain the term are reported (e.g. when you search for "Forum -KeePass" without the quotes, all entries containing "Forum" but not "KeePass" are reported).
          Added dialog in the options to specify a web proxy (none, system or manual) and user name and password for it.
          Added option to always exit instead of locking the workspace.
          Added option to play the UAC sound when switching to a secure desktop (enabled by default).
          Added filter box in the field references creation dialog.
          Added command to delete duplicate entries (entries are considered to be equal when their strings and attachments are the same, all other data is ignored; if one of two equal entries is in the recycle bin, it is deleted preferably; otherwise the decision is based on the last modification time).
          Added command to delete empty groups.
          Added command to delete unused custom icons.
          For Unix-like systems: new file-based IPC broadcast mechanism (supporting multiple endpoints).
          For Unix-like systems: added file-based global mutex mechanism.
          Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added support for sending square brackets and apostrophes.
          Two-channel auto-type obfuscation is now supported on Unix-like systems, too.
          Web access on Unix-like systems: added workarounds for non-implemented cache policy and credentials requirement.
          Added context menu command to empty the recycle bin (without deleting the recycle bin group).
          On Windows Vista and higher, when trying to delete a group, the confirmation dialog now shows a short summary of the subgroups and entries that will be deleted, too.
          In the auto-type target window drop-down combobox, icons are now shown left of the window names.
          Added {CLEARFIELD} auto-type command (to clear the contents of single-line edit controls).
          Added support for importing Sticky Password 5.0 XML files (formatted memos are imported as RTF file attachments, which you can edit using the internal KeePass editor; e.g. right-click on the entry in the main window and go 'Attachments' -> 'Edit Notes.rtf' or click on the attachment in the entry view at the bottom of the main window; see 'How to store and work with large amounts of formatted text?' in the FAQ).
          Added support for importing Kaspersky Password Manager 5.0 XML files (formatted memos are imported the same as by the Sticky Password importer, see above).
          Password Depot importer: added support for more fields (new time fields and usage count), time fields can be imported using the stored format specifier, vertical tabulators are removed, improved import of information cards, and auto-type sequences are converted now.
          Added ability to export links into the root directory of Windows/IE favorites.
          Windows/IE favorites export: added configuration items to specify a prefix and a suffix for exported links/files.
          In the entry editing dialog, KeePass now opens an attachment either in the internal editor or in the internal viewer, depending on whether the format is supported by the editor.
          When creating a new database, KeePass now automatically creates a second sample entry, which is configured for the test form in the online help center.
          Added configuration option to disable the 'Options', 'Plugins' and/or 'Triggers' menu items.
          Added workaround for Mono tab bar height bug.
          Added workaround for Mono FTP bug.
          Added workaround for Mono CryptoStream bug.
          Added workaround for a Mono bug related to focusing list view items.
          Added shell script to prepare the sources for MonoDevelop.
          Translations can now also be loaded from the KeePass application data directory.
          TrlUtil: added support for ellipses as alternative to 3 dots.
          KPScript: added 'DetachBins' command to save all entry attachments (into the directory of the database) and remove them from the database.

          Improvements / Changes:

          After performing a quick-find, the search text is now selected.
          Improved quick-find deselection performance.
          On Unix-like systems, command line parameters prefixed with a '/' are now treated as absolute file paths instead of options.
          Improved IPC support on Unix-like systems.
          Locked databases can now be dismissed using the close command.
          Invalid target windows (like the taskbar, own KeePass windows, etc.) are not shown in the auto-type target window drop-down combobox anymore.
          Newly created entries are now selected and focused.
          The entry list is now focused when duplicating and selecting all entries.
          If KeePass is blocked from showing a dialog on the secure desktop, KeePass now shows the dialog on the normal desktop.
          Improved dialog initialization on the secure desktop.
          The current status is now shown while exporting Windows/IE favorites.
          Windows/IE favorites export: improved naming of containing folder when exporting selected entries only.
          Windows/IE favorites export: if a group doesn't contain any exportable entry, no directory is created for this group anymore.
          Improved data editor window position/size remembering.
          Key modifiers of shortcut key strings are translated now.
          Shortcut keys of group and entry commands are now also shown in the main menu.
          When no template entries are specified/found, this is now indicated in the 'Add Entry' toolbar drop-down menu.
          When deleting a group, its subgroups and entries are now added correctly to the list of deleted objects.
          Font handling improvements.
          Improved lock timeout updating when a dialog is displayed.
          Improved export error handling.
          Improved FIPS compliance problems self-test (error message immediately at start), and specified configuration option to prevent .NET from enforcing FIPS policy.
          Various code optimizations.
          Minor other improvements.


          Last modification time is now updated when restoring an older version of an entry.
          When duplicating an entry, the UUIDs of history items are now changed, too.

          Thanks to Oliver Sahr for suggesting some of the new features and improvements above.

          Changes from 2.14 to 2.15:

          New Features:

          Added option to show the master key dialog on a secure desktop (similar to Windows' UAC; almost no keylogger works on a secure desktop; the option is disabled by default for compatibility reasons).
          Added option to limit the number of history items per entry (the default is 10).
          Added option to limit the history size per entry (the default is 6 MB).
          Added {PICKCHARS} placeholder, which shows a dialog to pick certain characters from an entry string; various options like specifying the number of characters to pick and conversion to down arrow keypresses are supported; see the one page long documentation on the auto-type help page; the less powerful {PICKPASSWORDCHARS} is now obsolete (but still supported for backward compatibility).
          The character picking dialog now remembers and restores its last position and size.
          KDBX file format: attachments are now stored in a pool within the file and entries reference these items; this reduces the file size a lot when there are history items of entries having attachments.
          KDBX file format: attachments are now compressed (if the compression option is enabled) before being Base64-encoded, compressed and encrypted; this results in a smaller file, because the compression algorithm works better on the raw data than on its encoded form.
          PLGX plugins can now be loaded on Unix-like systems, too.
          Added option to specify a database color; by specifying a color, the main window icon and the tray icon are recolored and the database tab (shown when multiple databases are opened in one window) gets a colored rectangle icon.
          New rich text builder, which supports using multiple languages in one text (e.g. different Chinese variants).
          Added 'Sort By' popup menu in the 'View' menu.
          Added context menu commands to sort subgroups of a group.
          Added option to clear master key command line parameters after using them once (enabled by default).
          Added application policies to ask for the current master key before changing the master key and/or exporting.
          Added option to also unhide source characters when unhiding the selected characters in the character picking dialog.
          Added ability to export custom icons.
          Added 'String' trigger condition.
          Added support for importing DataViz Passwords Plus 1.007 CSV files.
          Enhanced 1Password Pro importer to also support 1PW CSV files.
          Enhanced FlexWallet importer to also support version 2006 XML files (in addition to version 1.7 XML files).
          Enabled auto-suggest for editable drop-down combo boxes (and auto-append where it makes sense).
          Pressing Ctrl+Enter in the rich text boxes of the entry dialog and the custom string dialog now closes with OK (if possible).
          Added option to cancel auto-type when the target window changes.
          Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added support for key modifiers.
          Added '--saveplgxcr' command line option to save compiler results in case the compilation of a PLGX plugin fails.
          Added workaround for % .NET SendKeys issue.
          Added workaround for Mono bug 620618 in the main entry list.

          Improvements / Changes:

          Improved key file suggestion performance.
          When the master key change application policy is disabled and the master key expires (forced change), KeePass now shows the two information dialogs only once per opening.
          After removing the password column, hiding behind asterisks is suggested by default now when showing the column again.
          TAN entries now expire on auto-type, if the option for expiring TANs on use is enabled.
          Auto-type now sends acute and grave accents as separate characters.
          Auto-type now explicitly skips the taskbar window when searching for the target window.
          Multiple lines are now separated in the entry list and in the custom string list of the entry dialog by a space.
          RoboForm importer: improved multiline value support.
          Improved UNC path support.
          Improved entry list refresh performance.
          Improved UI state update performance.
          Entry list context menus are now configured instantly.
          Inapplicable group commands are now disabled.
          Improved control focusing.
          Improved clipboard handling.
          Copying and pasting whole entries is now also supported on Windows 98 and ME.
          Improved releasing of dialog resources.
          Improved keys/placeholders box in auto-type editing dialog.
          Improved user-friendliness in UAC dialogs.
          Tooltips of the tab close button and the password repeat box can be translated now.
          Improved help (moved placeholders to separate page, ...).
          KeePassLibSD now uses the SHA-256 implementation of Bouncy Castle.
          Upgraded installer.
          Various code optimizations.
          Minor other improvements.


          Window titles are now trimmed, such that auto-type also works with windows whose titles have leading or trailing whitespace characters.
          Detection of XSL files works under Linux / Mac OS X now, too.

            здраствуйте, хотелось бы проконсультироваться/спросить вашего мнения по программе keepass 2.21, а точнее по одному конкретному случаю:
            открыл в браузере определённый сайт, ввёл с помощью этой программы логин и пароль, программу свернул (не закрыл), продолжительное время она была в свёрнутом виде, всё это время работал на странице в браузере... после того как развернул keepass вновь, там оказалась активной надпись - "операция завершена успешно", ну и соостветственно кнопка "ок". вопрос - какая такая операция? что это могло быть? никаких автоматических операций эта программа вроде бы не выполняет... заранее благодарю за ответы.
              Как добавить ещё Категорий в KeePass?
              Я имею в виду следующее
              Прикреплённый файлПрикреплённый файлkee.jpg (52,84 Кбайт, скачиваний: 1505)
              user posted image
              А добавить я хочу категории типа "имя 2" "логин" "электронная почта". Мне их очень не хватает.
              Так как большинство сайтов при входе требуют не просто э\п, а другое (логин, полное имя и т.д.)
                На вкладке "Дополнительно" добавляйте строковые поля.
                  Цитата Kray74 @

                  Я заполнил форму, на произвольный сайт. (см. "Первый 1.jpg")
                  К примеру сайт ещё требует логин, а при регистрации я не знаю, какие именно данные потребует сайт.
                  Я указываю логин (см. "crhby 2.jpg") там есть опция "Перенести" (но я же не собираюсь переносить мой логин в имя или в комментарий, в котором, к примеру, находится моя почта.
                  Поэтому я просто сохраняю. И заметьте ("crhby 3.jpg"), в общей строке не высвечивается категория "логин" и добавить её, как, к примеру, в Проводнике Windows нельзя!
                  Логин можно скопировать только таким путём (ПКМ+"crhby 4.jpg").
                  А это очень долго и неудобно. А какие именно данные понадобятся мне после регистрации для входа я не знаю. Та же Яндекс Почта требует куда больше полей.
                  Вы знаете решение этой проблемы или альтернативные программы, или, может быть, принадлежите к числу разработчиков?
                  KeePass ver. 2.29
                  Прикреплённый файлПрикреплённый файл_____________1.jpg (77,26 Кбайт, скачиваний: 1559)
                  Прикреплённый файлПрикреплённый файлcrhby_2.jpg (65,36 Кбайт, скачиваний: 1641)
                  Прикреплённый файлПрикреплённый файлcrhby_3.jpg (20,85 Кбайт, скачиваний: 1599)
                  Прикреплённый файлПрикреплённый файлcrhby_4.jpg (50,44 Кбайт, скачиваний: 1616)
                    Проблема выдуманная какая-то. Поле "Имя" - это логин на сайт. Не важно в каком он виде: имя, почта или номер телефона. Просто вводите их в поле "Имя", для этого не нужно заводить доп. поля.

                    А зачем хранить в KeePass все поля, заполняемые при регистрации на сайте - для меня вообще загадка. Ведь эти поля не участвуют в процессе входа.
                    1 пользователей читают эту тему (1 гостей и 0 скрытых пользователей)
                    0 пользователей:

                    [ Script execution time: 0,0471 ]   [ 21 queries used ]   [ Generated: 13.05.24, 10:46 GMT ]