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В этом разделе можно создавать темы, которые относятся к поколению 32-битных компиляторов.
Здесь решаются вопросы портирования кода из старого доброго Турбо Паскаля в FPC, TMT, VP, GPC компиляторы, а также особенностей программирования на них для Windows/Linux и других ОС.
Указывайте тип компилятора, его версию, а также платформу (Windows/Linux/..) компиляции, другими словами, Target.
Модераторы: volvo877
> Помогите с переносом кода с TP7 на FreePascal , Как переписать код с inline из TP7 на FreePascal?
    Привет всем гуру ))
    Вот задачка:
    Не совсем понимаю, как перевести данную процедуру (ТурбоПас) на "нормальный" язык для ФриПаскаль. :(
    Кто-нибудь может помочь переписать этот код (ниже) на ФрииПаскаль?
    Полный модуль (исходник) пристёгиваю.
    Возможно есть у кого версия 1.4 данной библиотеки? В нем есть эти процедуры без inline, был бы благодарен
    за исходники версии 1.4 (Turbo BTree)

    TimeArr = record
    lsLongInt : LongInt; (* least significant long integer *)
    msLongInt : LongInt; (* most significant long integer *)

    clock : TimeArr;

    (* This routine does two things that are important to understand when
    using it. It first increments the internal clock. It then sets x to this
    new "time". *)

    procedure GetTime(var x : TimeArr);
    (* This was created from the original source code using the INLINE4
    utility from CompuServe. It has difficulty dealing with the lea
    si, >CLOCK instruction. This was hand coded using a listing of the
    original assembled file. Thus, if any future modifications require
    changing this file and reassembling with INLINE, be sure to check
    the output to make sure this instruction is OK. INLINE does flag
    an error here to remind you - I have not included the original
    source code for simplicities sake. If anyone wants it, I have it
    - Dean *)

    $C4/$BE/>X/ (* les di, >x[bp] ; set es:di to point
    to the users time
    var *)
    $8D/$36/>CLOCK/ (* lea si, >CLOCK ; set ds:si to point
    to the local
    database time var *)
    $83/$04/$01/ (* add word ptr [si],1 ; inc the database
    time *)
    $83/$54/$02/$00/ (* adc word ptr 2[si], 0 ; *)
    $83/$54/$04/$00/ (* adc word ptr 4[si], 0 ; *)
    $83/$54/$06/$00/ (* adc word ptr 6[si], 0 ; *)
    $FC/ (* cld ; copy new time to
    UserTime *)
    $B9/$04/$00/ (* mov cx, 4 ; *)
    $F2/$A5); (* rep movsw ; use movsw to save
    one memory access *)

    end; (* end of GetTime routine *)

    Модуль не большой, пару процедур-функций. Вообще интересно еще то же самое и для функции CompareTime из этого модуля.

    Заранее Спасибо всем откликнувшимся.
    Сделал предпросмотр и почему-то файл не возможно прикрепить. Поэтому приведу весь код модуля ниже (не большой он, извиняюсь что слегка нарушаю правила форума)

    (* TBTree16 Copyright © 1988,1989 Dean H. Farwell II *)

    unit Time;

    (* *)
    (* T I M E R O U T I N E S *)
    (* *)

    (* This unit is completely redesigned as of version 1.4 and can be used to
    track the sequence of events. As opposed to previous versions, it does not
    use actual time, but uses a counter to simulate time. This counter is just
    like an internal clock with each "tick" being noted by incrementing the
    counter. The clock is an internal variable of type TimeArr (defined in
    this unit) which is nothing more than a record of two long integers. This
    gives the clock a range of over 2 billion squared which is larger than
    anyone will ever need. The use of this unit is straightforward. The user
    has variables of type TimeArr. To assign a time call GetTime. To compare
    two times call CompareTime. A routine to set the max time and to print
    times is also provided.

    note - The idea to use the simulated clock rather than using my previous
    method came from Chris Cardozo. It was an extremely slick way to
    get around compatibility problems which I would not have thought
    of. *)

    (* Version Information

    Version 1.1 - No Changes

    Version 1.2 - No Changes

    Version 1.3 - No Changes

    Version 1.4 - Redesigned complete unit. The reason for the redesign was to
    alleviate any dependancies on specific memory locations which
    the previous version had.

    Version 1.5 - GetTime and CompareTime were redone using INLINE statements
    by Chris Cardozo. They function the same way as in version
    1.4, but are faster and smaller (400 bytes verses 560). His
    extensive efforts on all facets of TBTREE are appreciated.

    - The order of the fields in TimeArr are switched

    Version 1.6 - No Changes *)

    (*////////////////////////// I N T E R F A C E //////////////////////////////*)



    TimeArr = record
    lsLongInt : LongInt; (* least significant long integer *)
    msLongInt : LongInt; (* most significant long integer *)

    (* This routine does two things that are important to understand when
    using it. It first increments the internal clock. It then sets x to this
    new "time". *)

    procedure GetTime(var x : TimeArr);

    (* This function compares two time arrays. LESSTHAN is returned if X is less
    than Y (earlier). GREATERTHAN is returned if X is greater than Y (later).
    If they are equal then EQUALTO is returned *)

    function CompareTime(var x : TimeArr;
    var y : TimeArr) : Comparison;

    (* This routine will print the two long integers that make up x (of type
    TimeArr) *)

    procedure PrintTime(x : TimeArr);

    (* This routine sets both long integer fields of a timeArr variable to the
    maximum possible value (MAXLONGINT) *)

    procedure SetMaxTime(var x : TimeArr);

    (*///////////////////// I M P L E M E N T A T I O N /////////////////////////*)


    clock : TimeArr;

    (* This routine does two things that are important to understand when
    using it. It first increments the internal clock. It then sets x to this
    new "time". *)

    procedure GetTime(var x : TimeArr);

    (* This was created from the original source code using the INLINE4
    utility from CompuServe. It has difficulty dealing with the lea
    si, >CLOCK instruction. This was hand coded using a listing of the
    original assembled file. Thus, if any future modifications require
    changing this file and reassembling with INLINE, be sure to check
    the output to make sure this instruction is OK. INLINE does flag
    an error here to remind you - I have not included the original
    source code for simplicities sake. If anyone wants it, I have it
    - Dean *)

    $C4/$BE/>X/ (* les di, >x[bp] ; set es:di to point
    to the users time
    var *)
    $8D/$36/>CLOCK/ (* lea si, >CLOCK ; set ds:si to point
    to the local
    database time var *)
    $83/$04/$01/ (* add word ptr [si],1 ; inc the database
    time *)
    $83/$54/$02/$00/ (* adc word ptr 2[si], 0 ; *)
    $83/$54/$04/$00/ (* adc word ptr 4[si], 0 ; *)
    $83/$54/$06/$00/ (* adc word ptr 6[si], 0 ; *)
    $FC/ (* cld ; copy new time to
    UserTime *)
    $B9/$04/$00/ (* mov cx, 4 ; *)
    $F2/$A5); (* rep movsw ; use movsw to save
    one memory access *)

    end; (* end of GetTime routine *)

    (* This function compares two time arrays. LESSTHAN is returned if X is less
    than Y (earlier). GREATERTHAN is returned if X is greater than Y (later).
    If they are equal then EQUALTO is returned *)

    function CompareTime(var x : TimeArr;
    var y : TimeArr) : Comparison;

    (* ; LI1 = StackOffs + 4 *)
    (* ; LI2 = StackOffs *)
    $8C/$DA/ (* mov dx, ds ; save Turbo's ds *)
    $C5/$B6/>X/ (* lds si, >x[bp] ; point ds:si to high
    word of first memory
    region *)
    $83/$C6/$03/ (* add si, 3 ; region is 4 words
    long *)
    $C4/$BE/>Y/ (* les di, >y[bp] ; point es:di to high
    word of second
    memory region *)
    $83/$C7/$03/ (* add di, 3 ; region is 4 words
    long *)
    $FD/ (* std ; compare from high
    word to low word *)
    $B9/$04/$00/ (* mov cx, 4 ; 4 words to compare *)
    $F3/$A7/ (* repe cmpsw ; do compare *)
    $B8/$01/$00/ (* mov ax, 1 ; assume result was
    EQUAL *)
    $74/$0B/ (* je Done ; if so, then we are
    all done *)
    $77/$06/ (* ja GrThan ; was first parameter
    greater ? *)
    $B8/$00/$00/ (* mov ax, 0 ; no, then it must
    have been less than
    second *)
    $E9/$03/$00/ (* jmp Done ; *)
    $B8/$02/$00/ (* GrThan: mov ax, 2 ; *)
    $8E/$DA/ (* Done: mov ds, dx ; all done so can
    restore Turbo's ds *)
    $88/$46/$FF); (* mov [bp-1], al ; store function
    result for Turbo *)

    end; (* end of CompareTime routine *)

    (* This routine will print the two long integers that make up x (of type
    TimeArr) *)

    procedure PrintTime(x : TimeArr);

    Writeln('Most Significant Long Integer = ',x.msLongInt);
    Writeln('Least Significant Long Integer = ',x.lsLongInt);
    end; (* end of PrintTime routine *)

    (* This routine sets both long integer fields of a timeArr variable to the
    maximum possible value (MAXLONGINT) *)

    procedure SetMaxTime(var x : TimeArr);

    x.lsLongInt := MAXLONGINT;
    x.msLongInt := MAXLONGINT;
    end; (* end of SetMaxTime routine *)

    clock.msLongInt := 0;
    clock.lsLongInt := 0;
    end. (* end of Time unit *)
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